"...when the German soldiers were running away from the allied soldiers, the soldiers were grabbing everything to escape... horses, bicycles, everything. They came at our place too; Om Jan ( also in the underground) bought me a beautiful bicycle... on the black money. Here came an old German and a young fellow... he wanted the bicycle... I took the broom and hit him left and right, the old guy, as I would not give the bicycle up, and the young fellow, I still see him... long,tall, handsome guy... he start laughing so much and so much, he peed himself... and the old man went away without the bicycle. My mum and my dad said "give it to him, give it to him" but I didn't. I think that was funny. To me when I think about that... I laugh... I still see the young fellow... tall, skinny, "boy" he was handsome!..."
an internet photo of such an occurrences |